Skilled migration visas are available to non-Australians who wish to migrate to Australia on a permanent basis. To qualify for this visa stream your occupation must be on the current list of eligible skilled occupations. It is a points test based visa with a minimum pass mark which fluctuates throughout the year depending on the skill shortages present in Australia. The eligibility criteria for General Skilled Migration are made up of the following:
English language
Skills (nominate your occupation on the current list of eligible skilled occupations)
Employment in your nominated occupation
Family in Australia
In most circumstances you will need a minimum of 65 points to qualify for any type of General Skilled Migration visa. Please understand that your visa application and eligibility for additional points will be influenced by your personal circumstances and professional history. The most popular visa subclasses for this stream are listed below.
As part of your application there are a number of other requirements (character and health) which you will need to meet. These include providing police checks from every country you have lived in for 12 months or more during the last 10 years, a skills assessment conducted by the Authority associated with your occupation, an English competency test and your completion of a medical which includes a HIV blood test and chest x-ray.
Please note that any dependant family members, such as your partner and children, can be included on your visa application. They will be required to also complete the medical and police checks, and in some cases the English test.
Subclass 189 Skilled Independent Visa
This visa is for skilled workers who are not sponsored by a state or territory, family member or employer. The visa holder can live and work permanently anywhere in Australia plus eligible family members can be included in your application. This is a permanent five year multiple entry visa which allows visa-holders to remain in Australia indefinitely with full work rights.
To lodge a valid 189 visa application, you must first submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through SkillSelect. If your EOI is accepted then you will be invited to make a visa application which will be assessed against the above eligibility criteria.
Subclass 190 State Sponsored Visa
This visa is for skilled workers who are sponsored by a state or territory in Australia. With this visa you are obligated to live in the State or Territory that sponsors you for a minimum of two years. Eligible family members can be included in the application and this is a permanent five year multiple entry visa which allows visa-holders to remain in Australia indefinitely with full work rights.
To lodge a valid 190 application, you must first submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through SkillSelect. If your EOI is accepted by the State or Territory you will then be invited to make a state nomination application. If your state nomination application is approved, your EOI will then be selected and you will be invited to make a visa application which will be assessed against the above eligibility criteria.
Subclass 489 Skilled Nominated (REGIONAL) Provisional
This visa is for skilled workers who are sponsored by a state or territory of Australia to fill skill shortages in regional areas. With this visa you must live in the regional are of the State or Territory that sponsors you for a minimum of two years, following which, you can live anywhere in Australia.
To lodge a valid 489 application you must first submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through SkillSelect. If your EOI is accepted by the State or Territory you will then be invited to make a state nomination application. If your state nomination application is approved, your EOI will then be selected and you will be invited to make a visa application which will be assessed against the above eligibility criteria.
This is a four year provisional (temporary) visa that gives you full work rights to live and work in regional Australia. This visa provides a pathway to permanent residency through the Subclass 887 visa.
SUBCLASS 186 Employer nominated (ENS)
This visa is for skilled workers who are sponsored by an eligible employer in Australia. Eligible family members can be included in the application and this is a permanent five year multiple entry visa which allows visa-holders to remain in Australia indefinitely with full work rights.
As with all other visas in the General Skilled Migration stream, all visa applicants must meet the above eligibility criteria.
Subclass 187 Regional Skilled Migration (RSMS)
This visa is for skilled workers who are sponsored by an eligible employer in regional Australia. Eligible family members can be included in the application and this is a permanent five year multiple entry visa which allows visa-holders to remain in Australia indefinitely with full work rights.
As with all other visas in the General Skilled Migration stream, all visa applicants must meet the above eligibility criteria.
Our principal Australian solicitor and MARA Agent, Sammy Naghi, has many years of experience helping and guiding our clients through the General Skilled Migration pathways. Please make an enquiry and our team will contact you shortly to discuss the applicable visa pathways for your current circumstances.